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Including the delivery day in communication with customers

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I am building a PrestaShop (1.5.4) site for a region specific fruit and veg delivery business.


Purchases will be limited by postcode (using the Localisation module), with different postcodes having different delivery days (eg postcode 1 deliver day is Tuesday, postcode 2 delivery day is Thursday etc).


In PrestaShop, how do we include the relevant delivery day in communication to customers re orders (on screen, in emails etc)?


Is there a delivery day variable that can be used automatically in order-related communication relative to the customer's postcode (eg Thanks for your order. Your produce will be delivered on {delivery-day}...)?


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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n PrestaShop, how do we include the relevant delivery day in communication to customers re orders (on screen, in emails etc)?


The comunication regarding an order is made in the orders -> new message section.




If you check Display to customer? it will send a mail




besides the standard communication in the client area




This is of course doing it manually..

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So the solution to your problem will be in the mail template that is sent to the client when the order is sent, include the day of delivery. This day of delivery depends of the zip code in the Client info so you may hardcode it in classes/PaymentModule.php:


For example $day_of_delivery.




Then in mails/en/order_conf.html (and order.txt) you can use the new variable as you want in the layout:



Edited by Enrique Gómez (see edit history)
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