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Yes, i want to set employees accounts with certain permitions to create orders, new customers etc.
So that they work on POS directly online in shop it self.
And i would like to track their activity and productivity.

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I have my employees entering orders from the front office using their account (they registered as a cust each of them)... so that way i see them in best customers module under stats.

i dont think you can do anything differently without a module

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Yes you are totally right, there is something missing there, which is:
1)order on behalf of customer (by an employee - like phone order)... which can be done by a module that you can buy (i did buy it, but it is not good with 1.2 at all, so i have not used it)... at the same time, if you order on behalf of a customer, then you cannot trace how your employees are doing... you lose on that part.. because you lose the employees sales stats but you gain customer sales stats..

Either way, you cannot win,
Now i am moving away from my employees ordering with their name and enterning the client name in the msg part of the order for reference.
I am listing all the customers and i am making them order on behalf of the customer (so at lease i gain the customers stats which is more important to me.)

Havign said that, how do you vote on the following subject:

that is my big issue.

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