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Remove 'Zip Code' option on carrier search

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I know this has probably been asked before and I did try one suggestion I found but it didn't work (to remove):


if (!$this->checkZipcode($zipcode, $id_country))
  $errors[] = $this->l('Depending on your country selection, please use a valid zip/postal code.');


from carriercompare.php in the carrier module


Tried removing other relations to 'zip code' and neither of them worked either. Also tried disabling 'Need zip/postal code:' under the country.


I've set up my country, states, carriers and shipping pricing rules fine, works perfect but I don't want a customer to enter a postcode/zipcode and have the search calculate the shipping by this as I haven't done any configuration for this only the zones. Please could someone help me have the search by zip code option removed?


running PS 1.5

Edited by atomicdev (see edit history)
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I would say deleting these lines should do the trick. Did you:


go to Advanced parameters->Performance and

set template cache to: "compile templates if the files have been updated"

and turned OFF the cache?


Try this, and reload the browser page where the question is asked. See if this works.

(Don't forget to turn Cache ON again before you go live with your site, as it speeds up the browsing experience considerably. :-)


Let me know if this works,



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Hi, thanks but I didn't think it was a caching issue as other updates I've made seem OK. Interestingly I've just realised the text '

Depending on your country selection, please use a valid zip/postal code' is not actually on my page, see here:



I have just 'zip code' instead


There is a module folder 'carriercompare' in the theme folder but it only has translation files and not the carriercompare.php file. Any thoughts on this?

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