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Can't login to accounts , registration or my account anymore

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no, nothing..


I just tried something, I added something into the shopping cart.

There I was able to use the login and this is the error messagfe which came

Please see picture..


What is really strange the local version works.




PS: for some reason i also have magicquotes as a konfiguration

error in back office.. Configuration


the local verison doesn't have any issues


Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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Hi Vekia,


Well after looking around I tried to change the setting use short url in SEO setting now it works!

the strange this it worked all the time.... Means my provider made some changes or ?


and I can't use it anymore OR?


The whird thing all other links work just account registration don't work..


Cheers Robert..

Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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if you've got communcate that yu mentioned (picture that you pasted with popup)

check console browser log, you will have some additional infomarmation where the problem occur (you will se in what js file script doesnt work)

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are we takling about this error found in the log folder..


*ERROR* 2013/07/28 - 15:12:25: Property Advice->html is empty at line 874 in file classes/ObjectModel.php


and can yu tell me how to fix the magicquotes error in the backoffice under configuration...


Cheers Robert

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First, Morning Vekia.... man do you work 24/7?


Thx for the swift reply !!!


I have added a picture about magicquotes...


Then I spoke with my provider if they made any changes they siad no...

But he was able to say that in my .htaccess there is trash being writen into the file..


This morning I made a change in the back office about the magicquotes

which i found on the site




made that change saved then got 500 internal error.. then remove the .htaccess and everything

was running agian.


Really don't get it .. whats going on with my site...


Cheers Robert


Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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magic quotes is a php settings, you can turn on or turn it off in this file, settings below show how to DISABLE magic quotes

(just remove the ; before the magic_quotes_gpc = Off etc.)


; Magic quotes



; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.

magic_quotes_gpc = Off


; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.

magic_quotes_runtime = Off


; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \').

magic_quotes_sybase = Off

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Hello Vekia,


I just reqeusted that they replace the htaccess back to about 6 days... But it dosn't explain why the htaccess is corrupted

when i make changes in the back office.. if the backup should work...? It would mean I can make changes in the back office

or the files is corrupted again..


Could it be that my SQL DB the problem is ?


Thx for your help and efforts


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No problems.. I'm having my provider do a replacement von one of my backups from 09.07.2013

which means all your modules are also not inlcuded anymore,


but at least we can then check whats the deal and i still have a copy of the Site as of now...


is a bummer but i see no other way, something went wrong.. If the version from 09.07.2013

also don't work then i have no idea we only have one more ver. from 24.06.13


Can you maybe give me a hand again with your Modules?


Cheers Robert

Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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Hi Vekia,


Well this is the stand I did at least 4 backups different versions none worked!!

Then i did a complete new installation from Prestashop older version


Tested this version like all other, made the same changes and look there,

it happends also, by a new installations...


Just never noticed it...In a way I'm glad thought I screwed up all my work..


Well the problem is still existing..


My provider said the only changes they made in the last month,

had to do with mailing system.


I would be more then happy to provide a domain for testing purposes, to find where the problem is...

If you guys are interested? Let me know please, for the problem is not solved..


I can't active short URL anymore or make changes that write into the .htaccess..

as soon as something is added to the .htaccess the Site is down with internal Server Error..


Ps: I would also give you acccess to my Site for debugging...


Cheers Robert

Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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Hi Vekia,


Not sure if i understand it now .. But i think So....


First, The first time you creat a .htaccess nothing is in it.. emtpy..

Now i change the Rights to 666 So i can make changes in the back office

on the mod_securtiy setting on ( in German Apache mod security abschalten Ja )

then you change the rights back to 644 after it was writen to .htaccess.


The server is still running... now you can also add things like


php_value max_input_vars 6000

php_value memory_limit 128M

php_value open_basedir /www/yos/:/tmp

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off


save and upload.. Still working...


but know if you change the rights agian on the .htaccess to 666

and try to make the setting mod_securtiy setting off it writes again

in the .htaccess and your stie is down.... don't work..


If I understand it correctly the tons of info writen into the .htaccess again kills the file.


After getting the php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off and into the .htaccess I was also able to

activate the short url and the logins and account worked again with short URL active...


So, looks like gettting on everyones nerves and back and worth.. All is well...

this can be closed.. really if i caused confusion this was not my goal...


I appoligize for any inconveniences this post might of Caused.. !!!


Cheers Robert

Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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