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[SOLVED] shopping cart empties after changing SEO&URL setting from shared IP to static IP

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Everything was working fine yesterday but today after getting the static IP (have had the static for 3 days now) and setting it into Preferences>SEO&URLs instead of the shared IP address. Now people can place items into cart but when they go to the shopping cart to purchase the cart shows as empty. I believe this is a cookie issue but am uncertain as to how to remedy it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Can you post what the two settings are in the SEO & URL section.

Both domain and domain for SSL should be the same if they are not what is happening is the browser sees this as two different places.


Yep, that is what I found out last night. The SEO was the www.dengraphix.com and the URL was the 50.xxx.xxx.xxx and is what was gumming up the works. Changed them both to reflect the same thing and voila! it worked fine. Thanks for the assistance.

Edited by Jackcorzine (see edit history)
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