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I want to add a new word and itstranslation, but I cant add I dont know how can I do that in Admin

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Hi I have v1.5.4.1 trying to configure. My question is about translation forms in Admin.

For example for the blockcart module I want to add translations, but I cant add I dont know how can I do that in Admin.

For example in Admin > translations > blockcart > when I see VAT in English next to it in form box I type KDV in Turkish then its saved and its ok.

My question is:

1- Where that VAT and KDV is saved? In a php file under translations folder in blockart module folder or is it saved in DataBase?

2-Sometimes I want to edit that English words too, but I cant see any forms to edit the default English words, how can I do that?

3-Sometimes I want to add a word that doesnt exist at all at anywhere. So I have to be able to add its English and its translation in Turkish. How can I do that?

4-In translation php files I see these encryptions: 0d11c2b75cf03522c8d97938490466b2


$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_0d11c2b75cf03522c8d97938490466b2'] = 'KDV';


What they refer to? I guess I cant add a line on that php file manually to add a new word and its translation because of those long id numbers?


thnx for any help.

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1) each module has got own /translations/ directory with wiles like en.php, es.php, it.php etc.

you can find translated strings there (sometimes these files are located in the root dir of the module)


2) you can edit english translation in the localization > translation tool too, just click on the en flag, then you will be able to change the translation exactly as you can with other languages


3) in this case you can edit modules .tpl files put there (where you want to display) {l s='your new string'} - then you will be able to use translation tool exactly the same as before


4) it's a translation file, each translation has got own line. 0d11c2b75cf03522c8d97938490466b2 is a hash that inform to what string from the .tpl file the translation are related. You don't have to add there own translations manually, just follow the 3) point and when you will use translation tool - new hash and translation will appear in this file automatically

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Thnx for your quick reply Vekia - (really the best moderator and legend in here - there is noone else anyway :))

Thnx actually yesterday I tested as what you said on number 3 and it worked but I thought ther may be another way to add a new word thats why I asked. So as in 3, I just modify a line and after s='I ADD A NEW ENGLISH WORD' then when I open translations page in admin I ll see that I ADD A NEW ENGLISH WORD in that particular module and on its next blank form box I type its translation then save, thats it,done?


Vekia by the way I have few other questions about again configuring the site, would you be kind to answer them if you can pls here:


I have few issues if you like I type here you read clearly all in one window then I can let you know where those topics so u can click them as solved, or reply there its up to you:


1-How can I order sub category item names on the menu's sub level as ascending? Also the cms items. Hi My question is: How can I order sub category item names on the menu's sub level as ascending

(order by name ascending)

At the moment as PrestaShop default as order by position.

Which file and which lines to edit? Basically its all about listing as alphabetically when it comes to sublevels on top menu.


2-My site is in 2 languages: English and Turkish. Default country and language and currency will be Turkey, Turkish, Turkish Lira. When a visitor from Turkey visits the site I want those default displays all language and prices etc. But outside of Turkey any country in the world visitor has to see the site in English and currency USDollar. How that can be done in admin or with a module? Geo-Ip or what?


3-I want to create CMS pages, and I want that "text and photo only (not shop) page" appear as home page first then whoever wants to shop can click on the shop link to view the shop. Basically CMS pages's top menu and logo header should be different than the Shop pages. Shop pages will be as seen but shouldn't be on home page. How can that be achieved? Is it possible?


Thnx mate

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