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What causes this ?


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I have working on trying to get my friendly URLs to work. I currently have it on and to prevent the 404 page error i had to change most of my URLs in ( Preferences > SEO & URL ) It seemed ok but now im noticing that my URLs look like this-- http://westtexasatv....orrectifier-kit.html#.UfGMj_k3tsM Would this effect my rankings in searches? How do i fix this ?

Thank you



Edited by Tatttoo (see edit history)
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I would worry about the ending not being .html


google really only ranks .html pages...not php/css/ etc.


your ending for example of #.UfGUk21Z744...which I have never seen...well...how did that happen?


Can you post some of the changes you made to seo & urls? Did you load a module or make code changes to the URL or in the back office?

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this is probably related to the addthis plugin


Looks like you've enabled address bar tracking which appends those parameters to your URL.


If they're not wanted or are causing issues, you're free to disable address bark sharing tracking. Just adjust your addthis_config variable like this:


<script type="text/javascript">

var addthis_config = addthis_config||{};

addthis_config.data_track_addressbar = false;


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I disabled some of the new modules i have added. I found the culprit ( LOF Advanced Footer ). Sorry for my ignorance, i know i have been asking a lot of questions lately on here. But were do i find this addthis_config file? Thank you

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yeah it is here:





just open the modules/lofadvancecustom/tmpl/default/default.tpl file

and you've got there definition of addthis script:


<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>


just change data_track_addressbar to false

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No I have been trying everything that i can think of. No matter what i try i cant get my products to really show in searches unless i add - West Texas ATV to the search. Before i didnt have to just search the product and 8 out of ten items was on the first page. :(

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