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Won't save settings after upgrade

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Hi guys,


Yesterday I upgraded from 1.4.3 to 1.5.4 and now I'm not able to change any configuration at the back office.


I.E. I try to enable the store and It says it was successfully enabled, but the store will remain disabled and the "Enabled" button will go back to "Disabled".


I read that lots of people are having the same issue but no one seems to find out why's that happening.


Could you please help me?



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check the ps_configuration table in the mysql table

maybe you've got there duplicated entries, this is common issue in cases like this


Hi vekia, thanks for responding.


I'm looking for duplicating entries on myPhpadmin, previously selecting my current database, and I don't see any duplicated entries on it.


I'm a newbie so I could be looking for it in the wrong site. Is it there?

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vekia, I have some news:


I followed this tutorial to upgrade my shop




As I am making a new installation to see what is going on, I noticed that in THIS new installation is taking a long time to finish the last proccess (I have it in spanish but it should be the step called "Shop installation"). I have to say that in the upgrade procces, it didn't take so long since it didn't even start. It threw an error and wouldn't load the page, so I went directly to the back office and as it was working, I thought everything was OK.


So I guess that this step is really important and It's not done... What should I do then?


Perhaps the best idea is to make a new installation and load a backup? The old back office allows me to create backups.


Thank you again for your time.



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