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[SOLVED] Mail Alerts v2.3 Prestashop Hooks

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Hi El Patron,

Thank you for your response, I didn't receive a notification when you posted this :( Saw this today while responding to another post.

I did get this module to work, by hooking it to the following locations:


- customer account page display in front office

- product out of stock

- my account block


We received notifications for about 6 orders. However on one of the orders via PayPal there was a payment error, but we received a notification of a new order. Any ideas why ?


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re: mailalerts, odd as this would have hooked itself naturally at install but happy to hear you have this resolved, I will mark this as solved.


re: paypal, look at your order statuses, but without having access to a shop with this sort of issue, it's difficult to say 'guess'. Also it's best not to post off topic with another issue, please consider opening a new post in the paypal section, make sure to be detailed with the issue, screen shots etc.

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