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restricted categories/products showing up in manufacturers, new products and search

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Hello all, I'm using and having an issue that I can't figure out and have searched the forums but no answers...


It seems to me a bit silly that if I restrict access to a category of products down to one special group I will still see these products come up in the search, the manufacturers and new products (and probably elsewhere)... whats up with that? Is there a way to really restrict these products?


I don't see any way around this and I think this is a huge issue, shouldn't there be some sort of statement in the code that respects the group access to the category/product throughout the cart system?


Thank you so much for the help

Edited by thesuper (see edit history)
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A customer with PS still has this problem. What's the status of this issue?


I'm on ps and I do not experiencing this issue. If the product member of a restricted category is set as "visible everywhere" as default, I can find it with the shop search only if I'm logged with a user member of the right group. nor customer or visitor groups can find it. If I try to access that product with a direct link I got a permission error if I'm not logged with the right user. The only thing I'm not sure of is if the search engines will hide that link or it will be published but without being accessible to other groups than the ones I set up ( If someone knows it, tell me please :) ). Does the members of you restricted group just have access to you restricted group or even have that as their default group? By the way, can you please tell me the steps to reproduce your issue? If I can reproduce it I'll open an issue on forge.prestashop hoping for a fix. Thank you.

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