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What happens to modifications of the core,theme and native module files when upgrading to newest PS?

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Hi to all,


I have one question that I believe might be interesting for all people out there who did even a slightly modification/customization of their Prestashop websites, and I also belive there is no man or woman, using prestashop, who didn't do a color or image change at least :)


My website is located at www.dekom.co.rs

As you can see by the naked eye some of the CSS files has been changed but there are also some smaller CSS/HTML changes made to other core files of the Prestashop and to some native and non native modules as well.


My current version of the Prestashop is the latest so


As all other software Prestashop is not immune to bugs, and I personally found quite a lot of them as well as some non logical solutions especially in the back office.


I have one 3rd party module installed called 1-click Upgrade which I was using to upgrade to before I did any changes to the core files, theme files etc.


This same module is reporting that atm I made quite a lot changes to the core files.

Please see the screenshot below:




My question to all admins and Prestashop developers here is with the new PS version coming soon (no matter if it is some minor update or major version release) is, will upgrade overwrite these changes and if it will, how can I upgrade the Prestashop and then restore these changes back as they were?


Many of these changes took many hours of work and patience and help people from these forums, so It must be some method to upgrade the Prestashop to its newest version and preserve these customization/modifications.

Edited by Dolke (see edit history)
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answer is: yes, if you changed core and default theme then you will lost all changes.


the best way to avoid this is creating overrides and new template (you have to change "default" name to "mydefault" for example)

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before upgrading an important piece of pre-work is to identify changes made to ps.


what I do is use a program like beyond compare to find the differences between a vanilla and the shops files.


I do not rely on the back office-->identified differences


once I have the changes, I can then determine 1) if I need to carry them forward 2) if changes will retrofit the same and if not how they will be applied


You should first build a running test system of your production shop that you can test not only the upgrade but the applying of any changes you might have made

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El Patron, thank you for this useful information.


This is something that I will be doing later on when new (and I believe improved) versions of the prestashop sees the light. For now I just want to gather as much as useful info and suggestions from you experienced users.


Are you mentioned this software?




Vekia, what do you mean by overrides?


Well most of the changes are not made there I believe, but I don't really keep track (except topics that I started here on the forums) of what I have changed and where...

Edited by Dolke (see edit history)
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El Patron, thank you for this usful information.


This is something that I will be doing later on when new (and I believe improved) versions of the prestashop sees the light. For now I just want to gather as much as useful info and suggestions from you experienced users.


Are you mentioned this software?




Vekia, what do you mean by overrides?


Well most of the changes are not made there I believe, but I don't really keep track (except topics that I started here on the forums) of what I have changed and where...


yes, that is pretty decent comparison program...


as for overrides...I used to think they were a good idea...and they are if there is no hook...if there is a hook avoid overrides when possible....that is my honest opinion

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If I may ask, and forgive my ignorance, what is the meaning of vanilla here?


sorry...vanilla means a fresh download of your current version of PrestaShop, un-modified. you can find all the versions here...



my advice, drop modifications that you just can do without...only keep the ones you really have to have. When you move the code to the new release, mark it with a tag you can easily search for later.


The less modification you make the easier it will be to upgrade...I'm hearing rumors that 1.6 is going to rock...


and remember...back up back up back up...

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