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Which do you do first? Custom theme, THEN custom modules...or vice versa?

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Hi! I'm about to build a website with Prestashop 1.5 and I will need a bunch of add ons and some custom development. I'm also having a designer do a custom design for me.


My questions is this:


In order for everything to go smoothly, which comes first? The template or the add ons and development?


Thank you so much in advance!



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I would like to add...


Generate your prestashop build

use the default theme

build your categories and add some products

(learn some of the main native PrestaShop features)


make sure you can add to the cart...check out (register)...and make it through most if not all payment process




back it all up

install the new theme you have

configure the theme


re-test major ps features, add to cart check out etc.


back this up


as you load each new module and/or custom change make sure to test add to cart, check out etc...

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