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How to add block layered filter to manufacturers

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What kind of help are you looking for? I already mentioned the module does not support what you're asking.


Your options are:


1) Use a different module which support this option.

2) Ask Prestashop to add this feature (I wouldn't hold my breath for a quick turnaround).

3) Find a developer to make this customization for you.


I would suggest option #1 as it would likely be the cheapest.

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Hi, here is the code I edited:

In file modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php: (do a backup of file before, please)


Around line 691, change:

if (Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))) == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))


if (Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))) == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY')
&& $this->context->controller->php_self != "manufacturer")

Around line 1782, change:

if ($id_parent == $home_category)
return false;


if ($id_parent == $home_category && !Tools::getIsset("id_manufacturer_layered"))
return false;

Around line 1995, above this code:

$this->nbr_products = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cat_filter_restriction');

add this code:

$this->nbr_products = Db::getInstance()->getValue(
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cat_filter_restriction cfr
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p ON p.id_product = cfr.id_product
WHERE p.id_manufacturer = '.Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered")

Around line 2025, add:

$id_manufacturer_layered = "";
if(Tools::getIsset("id_manufacturer_layered")) $id_manufacturer_layered = " AND m.id_manufacturer = ".Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered");

just before the line $this->products = Db::getInstance()->executeS...


Edit sql query, changing where clause:

WHERE '.$alias_where.'.`active` = 1 AND '.$alias_where.'.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")


WHERE '.$alias_where.'.`active` = 1 AND '.$alias_where.'.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") '.$id_manufacturer_layered.'
Around line 3178, add:
$current_friendly_url = $filter_block['current_friendly_url'];

//manufacturers page
if(!isset($filter_block['current_friendly_url']) && Tools::getValue("p") > 1){
$current_friendly_url = "/page-".Tools::getValue("p");
before the line $vars = array(........
and, in $vars array, also change:
'current_friendly_url' => ((int)$n == (int)$nb_products) ? '#/show-all': '#'.$filter_block['current_friendly_url'],


'current_friendly_url' => ((int)$n == (int)$nb_products) ? '#/show-all': '#'.$current_friendly_url,
Inside getProducts functions, add:
if(sizeof($products) == 0){
$selected_filters["manufacturer"] = Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered");
$products = $this->getProductByFilters($selected_filters);

after $products = $this->getProductByFilters($selected_filters);

Edited by garciasanchezdani (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...


I added the code and I don't get it to work. I'm using

I got a warning:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxxxx/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php on line 759

Is it something I have missed?

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Hi, here is the code I edited:


In file modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php: (do a backup of file before, please)


Around line 691, change:

if (Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))) == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))


if (Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))) == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY')
&& $this->context->controller->php_self != "manufacturer")

Around line 1782, change:

if ($id_parent == $home_category)
return false;


if ($id_parent == $home_category && !Tools::getIsset("id_manufacturer_layered"))
return false;

Around line 1995, above this code:

$this->nbr_products = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cat_filter_restriction');

add this code:

$this->nbr_products = Db::getInstance()->getValue(
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cat_filter_restriction cfr
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p ON p.id_product = cfr.id_product
WHERE p.id_manufacturer = '.Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered")

Around line 2025, add:

$id_manufacturer_layered = "";
if(Tools::getIsset("id_manufacturer_layered")) $id_manufacturer_layered = " AND m.id_manufacturer = ".Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered");

just before the line $this->products = Db::getInstance()->executeS...


Edit sql query, changing where clause:

WHERE '.$alias_where.'.`active` = 1 AND '.$alias_where.'.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")


WHERE '.$alias_where.'.`active` = 1 AND '.$alias_where.'.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") '.$id_manufacturer_layered.'
Around line 3178, add:
$current_friendly_url = $filter_block['current_friendly_url'];

//manufacturers page
if(!isset($filter_block['current_friendly_url']) && Tools::getValue("p") > 1){
$current_friendly_url = "/page-".Tools::getValue("p");
before the line $vars = array(........
and, in $vars array, also change:
'current_friendly_url' => ((int)$n == (int)$nb_products) ? '#/show-all': '#'.$filter_block['current_friendly_url'],


'current_friendly_url' => ((int)$n == (int)$nb_products) ? '#/show-all': '#'.$current_friendly_url,
Inside getProducts functions, add:
if(sizeof($products) == 0){
$selected_filters["manufacturer"] = Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered");
$products = $this->getProductByFilters($selected_filters);

after $products = $this->getProductByFilters($selected_filters);




Could you please upload the file.. plus my blocklayered.php is slightly different from yours.


Im on

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  • 9 months later...
On 1/9/2017 at 11:43 AM, garciasanchezdani said:

Hi, here is the code I edited:

In file modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php: (do a backup of file before, please)


Around line 691, change:

if (Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))) == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))


if (Tools::getValue('id_category', Tools::getValue('id_category_layered', Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'))) == Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY')
&& $this->context->controller->php_self != "manufacturer")

Around line 1782, change:

if ($id_parent == $home_category)
return false;


if ($id_parent == $home_category && !Tools::getIsset("id_manufacturer_layered"))
return false;

Around line 1995, above this code:

$this->nbr_products = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cat_filter_restriction');

add this code:

$this->nbr_products = Db::getInstance()->getValue(
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cat_filter_restriction cfr
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'product p ON p.id_product = cfr.id_product
WHERE p.id_manufacturer = '.Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered")

Around line 2025, add:

$id_manufacturer_layered = "";
if(Tools::getIsset("id_manufacturer_layered")) $id_manufacturer_layered = " AND m.id_manufacturer = ".Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered");

just before the line $this->products = Db::getInstance()->executeS...


Edit sql query, changing where clause:

WHERE '.$alias_where.'.`active` = 1 AND '.$alias_where.'.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")


WHERE '.$alias_where.'.`active` = 1 AND '.$alias_where.'.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog") '.$id_manufacturer_layered.'
Around line 3178, add:

$current_friendly_url = $filter_block['current_friendly_url'];

//manufacturers page
if(!isset($filter_block['current_friendly_url']) && Tools::getValue("p") > 1){
$current_friendly_url = "/page-".Tools::getValue("p");
before the line $vars = array(........
and, in $vars array, also change:

'current_friendly_url' => ((int)$n == (int)$nb_products) ? '#/show-all': '#'.$filter_block['current_friendly_url'],


'current_friendly_url' => ((int)$n == (int)$nb_products) ? '#/show-all': '#'.$current_friendly_url,
Inside getProducts functions, add:

if(sizeof($products) == 0){
$selected_filters["manufacturer"] = Tools::getValue("id_manufacturer_layered");
$products = $this->getProductByFilters($selected_filters);

after $products = $this->getProductByFilters($selected_filters);


Thanks for the suggestions @garciasanchezdani . As the other users here described, the same happened to me. After applying your modifications on the file, Prestashop showed an error which is:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /xxxxx/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php on line ...

Also, the blocklayered filter did not appear on the manufacturers page. I did a quick edit on your code and added this:

if (is_array($filters) || is_object($filters))

before this:

foreach ($filters as $type => $val)

of course, added the closing } at the end, so that the whole piece of code is now:

if (is_array($filters) || is_object($filters))
		foreach ($filters as $type => $val)
			switch ($type)
				case 'id_attribute_group':
					foreach ($val as $attr)
						$attr_id = preg_replace('/_\d+$/', '', $attr);
						if (in_array($attr_id, $attributes) || in_array(array('id_attribute_group' => $attr_id), $attribute_group_list))
							$smarty->assign('nobots', true);
							$smarty->assign('nofollow', true);
						$attributes[] = $attr_id;
				case 'id_feature':
					foreach ($val as $feat)
						$feat_id = preg_replace('/_\d+$/', '', $feat);
						if (in_array($feat_id, $features) || in_array(array('id_feature' => $feat_id), $feature_list))
							$smarty->assign('nobots', true);
							$smarty->assign('nofollow', true);
						$features[] = $feat_id;
					if (in_array($type, $blacklist))
						if (count($val))
							$smarty->assign('nobots', true);
							$smarty->assign('nofollow', true);
					elseif (count($val) > 1)
						$smarty->assign('nobots', true);
						$smarty->assign('nofollow', true);


Now Prestashop (mine is does not trigger the error anymore, but again - the blocklayered navigation filter is not visible on manufacturers page. Any ideas @garciasanchezdani?

I see that other users have the same issue too. Do you know is there anything that we are missing? We really appreciate any help here. Thanks! 

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