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[solved] SEO Friendly Urls problem


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Hi there


I'm configuring our shop using prestashop and want to set up SEO friendly urls, (preferences>SEO & URLs) but I get the following message come up next to the radio box:


URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod.


What does it mean and how do I activate this mod?

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hello, sometimes this communicate appears because the script can't check the configuration due to the security configuration of the host.


If you're on shared hosting you should ask your hoster about that mod.

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I wanted to use the SEO friendly urls also, the first thing to do is contact your hosting provider and ask if they support this feature.


It does mention this in the HELP button next to the SEO friendly url section in prestashop.

Friendly URLs only work with a server setup that supports URL rewriting. Make sure to check that yours does (ask your hosting provider!), as it can make your shop completely unavailable to customers if you enable friendly URLs and the server does not support it!
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