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Configure multishop with two websites on two domains

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I would like to configure my prestashop with multishop and two websites. I would like to have links like below:


domain1.com - here I would like to have some website

domain2.com - here I would like to have some other website in other language.


domain1.com/shop - here I would like to have first of two shops from multishop

domain2.com/shop3 - here I would like to have second of two shops from multishop


I know I can set two different domains to each of shops in Advanced Parameters > Multistore. I guess there should be some way to configure it using Physical URI or Virtual URI. The problem is when I set two different Physical URIs the second shop doesn't work because all prestashop files are in one directory. When I set two different Virtual URIs I get error:


The requested URL /shop3/ was not found on this server.


I guess I could try to do something with htaccess but I know know how to configure it.

I would be very grateful with any help.




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