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Good morning all,




Using ps default theme with minor css changes


I would appreciate a no holes barred look at my site, please, the Good the Bad and the Ugly reviews


are always the best


I have left C.O.D active so you can buy what you want and it will never be delivered, also, just use


silly emails like - fred@gmail.com


Thank you in advance



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I think you need bit more work on that, had mixed things good an bad. I attached 2 screenshots with some explanations. But generally homepage should be bit more clear, for me it has too much elements, and too much auto scrolling. Menu, background and footer are nicely designed but rest don't quite match it. You have two featured blocks , slider and block with 4 images with no information what they are for.


This is mine first impression, hope you don't find it rude.



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1. The featured block is cut off for Google Chrome so you can't see the price or add to cart button. You need to set a specific height for that module in the back office to work with ALL browsers.


2. The pink bar at the top of the page regarding browser cookies puts a lot of strain on the eyes.


3. The scroll to top button is a little too big for me.


4. You may want to remove the home featured carousel from the my account section as it pushes the login block down into the footer

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I agree with Razaro's comments above.


Where an item on the slider has a reduced price, it pushes the add to cart button down - although that may help draw attention to it.


Just below the first slider is a row of social network icons - these all seem to be related to mypresta.eu & Vekia


In the footer, not sure that things like About Us and Addresses fit under the heading My Account - you have a separate About Us column. The link for Address takes you to the Terms page. The phone number links to http://gadgetskunk.co.uk/en/index.php?controller=


The Contact pullout on the left has labels for Name, Email and Message which are barely legible, same with the message at the bottom.


FAQ number 1 might need refining!


Hope you find the comments constructive.

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Sorry, I don't like your site's look. The first impression has been - unprofessional.


Color and move of the background, "This page is not available" block under Featured products, that red rocket "Take me up", combination of colors.


My suggestion? Start again at the beginning and invest in a professional template. The investment will be returned many times.

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