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Should I upgrade to newly named theme?

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Hi All,


About a year ago, I installed a theme called caveplus on a prestashop install. The makers have changed the name from 'cave plus' to 'cave', but it looks the same. Am I right in thinking that I have no other choice than pay for this new updated version, to ensure the site remains secure (with new patches) and to utilise new features? Of course I'll also be able to update to the latest version of prestashop as well, which can't be a bad thing! Bit unfair, but perhaps that's just the way it goes? Reminds me of the pharmaceutical industry making minor tweaks to their drugs, and that being the justification for a price hike!


Look forward to any comments!




Current Config:


Prestashop version:

Server: Linux

Theme in use: caveplus

PHP Version: 5.3.23

MySQL Version: 5.5.32-cll

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Hi Pascal, thank you so much for responding to my question, really appreciated.


I think I did contact them a while ago, but it landed on deaf ears. I had a look again and it's seems the theme has been dropped by the original designer, and adopted by the community. Possibly that occurred due to a lack of updating?

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note: there are changes for modules/themes to move to a 1.5 native prestashop. This requires work.


you should look beyond just the theme but also any modules you may have installed that were for 1.4 and may or may not need upgrades to 1.5

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Hi EL Patron, Thank you so much for chipping in.


Hmm, that's bad news about module, thanks for the headsup!


Luckily there are very few additional modules installed, beyond the standard set.


I've since had a message from the makers of the theme, and they're offering a 50%+ discount for existing users of cave plus, which is reasonable I guess.

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