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[solved] Featured Products - change the order?

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Hi - does anyone know where to go in order to change the order of the featured products on the home page? I want to have all the shirts on one line, then the other products on another, so need to change order.


thank you,


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in this case you have to rearrange products under the catalog > products tab in your back office, turn on "filter by category" feature and select "Home"




then use simple drag n drop feature, and rearrange the products exactly as you want.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi there,


I have recently upgraded two separate stores and after doing so the featured products on homepage changing the positions of products in the catalogue doesn't work.


When in the back office catalogue, I can change the position and it says it has worked fine but when going to front office the products haven't moved position.


Both are multistores, one store running 1.5.5 and one running 1.5.6


Any help appreciated!

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  • 5 months later...
  On 9/14/2013 at 7:12 AM, vekia said:

if you will see numbers instead of arrows, just click on arrow:



and you will see arrows again (instead of numbers)


Why it doesn't change the position order when i use that arrow? I want it to be reversed (new added first), it's irritating to move it one by one. Any solution?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Both Back-end and Front-end. Sometimes I can get one product to move a position and it sticks but rarely. :( Like here for E200 CDI that I have added http://www.gdmperformance.se/272-steg-1-diesel-w211 want them to be first but could only get one to move one position up and get that to stick.  


Had a similar issue on PS 1.5 but there was arrows up and down that we could move positions up and down. That always worked but drag and drop usually never did. Can we get those arrows back in PS1.6?


Also, categories works to move with drag and drop for the ones I have tested but the issue is with products.

Edited by snygga_statsministern (see edit history)
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Yet another very useful option hidden in plain site! Each time I want to do something, I have to google to find how to do it.


Why not simply add an option called 'Reorder Products' at the top? When enabled, add the 'Move' icon to the Position column.


Better still, either let user simply click-drag products up/down, or show the Move icon on mouseOver in the Position column.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did it the changes using your arrows and buttons, and Prestashop said "update saved correctly" - but when i try to reload the page, nothing happens. The order is the same again.  Only few changes are accepted (example, i can only change order on 1 or two products, the other products will not changed). Latest version of Prestashop

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  • 1 month later...


Did anybody manage to find out why the order doesn't get saved by Prestashop?

I have PS and I can change the position of the items as explained, but as soon as I reload the product page it's back to the start. The changes don't affect the front desk either.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having same problem in Prestashop 1.6.  Yes I've changed the order by filtering and then ordering how I want them, updates are saved.  But in the front office, no changes.  Yes I cleared cache.  Its problems like this that are the reason why next project for a client who needs a store I am NOT going with prestacrap!!!!

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Awesome solution, 


I have two comments / Tips to add;


1. You can rearrange the home/root or any other categories products in database (ps_category_product) for shops like ours with thousands of item writing a script and running on the database will be much easier.


2. I needed to clear the cache after rearranging the products for the changes to reflect on our home page in Featured Products Carousel... It might be needed in your case as well, however it depends on your Cache settings.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 4/16/2014 at 12:10 AM, redmeteoric said:

ok, i found solution by adding "DESC" on a line in homefeatured.php file


$products = $category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), "position", "DESC"); 

you will find this line of code in row 113

This was what I was looking for, THANK YOU!

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is one easy solution to this issue, I mean, ordering of the featured products on homepage. There is one Table in your PS database, which might be named something like: "ps_category_product", it has got three columns; id_category, id_product, position.


Featured Products should belong to HOME category, in our shop the id of the home is 2, it can be the smallest ID available in this table if you have at least one product selected and shown as Featured on the homepage.


To set the ordering of the featured products, all you need to do is to set POSITION columns values in your desired order for id_category = "ID OF HOME CATEGORY".


There might be other approaches from BACK OFFICE as well, but I always prefer fixing things on Database, and it would be a good practice to have a complete back up of your database in case accidentally something goes wrong to be able to restore the shop.


To create the backup you can export the database from phpMyAdmin for example or any other database management platform your server/hosting offers.


Good luck

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  • 9 months later...

Hello Aerotexextintores


Have you noticed that position (order) starts from Zero, the fix might be as easy as as setting the position value to zero not one. But you also need to make sure you only have one item with each position value, in other words position values should be unique. This would be a concern if you are about to edit the DATABASE to change the orders.


Having duplicate values might not break the website but it might make PS to choose arbitrarily the order of presenting the products.


Hope this helps you.

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i am not familiar with Prestashop manager, if you have access to any of the database tables i recommend reading my earlier post you could see that few posts above, there I have explained how the category table can fix this issue. 

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  • 5 months later...
  On 9/26/2015 at 2:42 PM, Knuden said:

I tried to go to the backend / advanced parameters / performance and change the settings for smarty cache to "Recompile templates if the files having been updated" and save. It worked for me


Didn't work for me. Is this a bug?



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