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[SOLVED] Hide Manufacturer short description

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My website currently shows the manufacturer's short description in the List of Manufacturers, which is fine and what I want.


However, when I click on a manufacturer, it gives me the details page. I do not want the short description to show here. I only want the full description to be displayed here.


How is this possible?



Edited by faazz (see edit history)
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just edit this part in the file manufacturer.tpl in your theme

<div class="description_box">
  {if !empty($manufacturer->short_description)}
   <p class="hide_desc">{$manufacturer->description}</p>
   <a href="#" class="lnk_more" onclick="$(this).prev().slideDown('slow'); $(this).hide(); return false;">{l s='More'}</a>

to something like:

<div class="description_box">
  {if !empty($manufacturer->description)}
   <a href="#" class="lnk_more" onclick="$(this).prev().slideDown('slow'); $(this).hide(); return false;">{l s='More'}</a>

this way, if you have a description it will show it, if not it will show the short description.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How can I achieve the old V1.4x behaviour?


There is the short description in the manufacturer list and a link 'more' that leads to the full description?


I can not read code very good but I thought that this

<a href="#" class="lnk_more" onclick="$(this).prev().slideDown('slow'); $(this).hide(); return false;">{l s='More'}</a>


would give me the missing more link but it doesnt.


Cool could be some fancy java script like for the legal cms page.


I found in line 64 or so in manufacturer-list.tpl

 <p class="description rte">
 {if $manufacturer.nb_products > 0}<a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{/if}
 {if $manufacturer.nb_products > 0}</a>{/if}


and when changing {$manufacturer.short_description} --> {$manufacturer.description}

all full desciptions are presented but that is not what I want exactly. I want a short one with a 'link more'

that gives access to the full one. Best would be a in the old 1.4er manner or some thing fancy ;)

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  • 1 month later...



I am still stuck.


What I want is: in manufacturer_list.tpl a SHORT and a (FULL) Descripton.



EDIT: Ok, this part is solved - I had a type error in "{$manufacturer_description}" it has to be "{$manufacturer.description}"


I tried a lot of stuff but the simplest:

<p class="description rte">
					{if $manufacturer.nb_products > 0}<a href="{$link->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{/if}
	<!-- check here -->		{$manufacturer_description}
						{if $manufacturer.nb_products > 0}</a>{/if}

did not work.


How has the code to look like in oder to show both variables?




Better would be to have the FULL hidden until you want to see it via 'more_link'.

I copied a bit around and rewrote here and there a bit but got only a partial success :)

The link works only for the first manufacturer in the list...^^

	<p id="manufacturer_short_description">{$manufacturer.short_description}</p> 
	<p id="manufacturer_description" style="display:none">{$manufacturer.description}</p>
{* lnk_more_catito*}
    <a href="#" onclick="$('#manufacturer_short_description'); $('#manufacturer_description').show(); $(this).hide(); return false;" class="lnk_more_catito">{l s='pants down!...'}</a>
Edited by B.Köring (see edit history)
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