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Customer Account Creation

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I would be very grateful if someone can perhaps tell me what went wrong or is wrong.


I had a customer today that created an account in my store. She then went to sign in and the WELCOME and the name was not the customer's name. It was another customer's name that had registered at least 2 weeks or more ago. In other words it should have said "Welcome Ellen" not "Welcome Sandy".


If you know what has happened, please post.


Thank you in advance!



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I removed the right client.


I removed the name from the panel. Not the database.


It was a client that had just registered. The customer went to pay and there was a Paypal error came back because the customer never added her state. She tried 3 times and evidently she never read the error that state had to be added. Needless to say, it was all the store's fault and she got very testy with me and she wanted everything cancelled.


Actually, when I went to remove her customer sign up , at the right hand side it showed that I could delete, so I am thinking that I did not do anything wrong.



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