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Weird product

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I'm setting up new online store and adding a lot of products (over 300 already).
Yesterday I got error message when uploading one product (like broken link from server message) and now I can see that product in shop but it's not in back office !!! I've deleted all category to remove that product but it only change a possition from category to home and it's still in my shop but not in back office.
how can I get rid of it???

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Hello Kris_hm,

Find out what its ID number is and then when logged into the admin panel use the below link:

index.php?tab=AdminCatalog&id_product=PRODUCTS_ID_HERE&deleteproduct;Another way to do it is to load up your database using a tool like phpMyAdmin and search for the product in the _product table and remove it manually.

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Hello Paulw01,

You would actually look to export your Excel file into a "CSV" file, at this point you could then open phpMyAdmin click "Import" and select the file to import.

This can be a bit trickey if you do not know what your doing though. Check this article out:

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