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Why is my shop offering free shipping to items over 1kg ?

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Please can someone tell me how to sort this ? For some reason the site is offering free shipping for items over 1kg but should not be doing that as I don't have the free shipping checked. Plus can someone sign up to my shop and buy something and also buy something as a guest as there is a problem with typing emails as im told but not sure how to sort this. I have version 1.5.


Plus one other problem is why is my shop sooooo slow ?


here is the link to the site: http://www.fossilsgalore.com/shop


kind regards



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no worries, you're new community member :)

this is not an absolute requirement, but when we all follow the forum rules, then forum will be a better place for everyone :)


let's back to the main case in this thread

so you weight ranges are configured well?

for what carrier you've got free shipping?

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Check your weight ranges they should not have gaps in them here is an explanation. Just a thought!








wrong: has gaps in ranges






Weight ranges are inclusive/exlusive which basically means:


From and including value 1, up to but excluding value 2, from and including value 2, up to but excluding value 3.



From and including 0, up to but excluding 100gr, from and including 100gr up to but exluding 600gr, from and including 600grup to but excluding 1000gr, from and including 1000 up to but excluding 1400gr.


If you have gaps you have actually excluded all of your products from any of the weight ranges resulting in the error.

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Last time I was also wrong in the weight range settings. The key is like tdr170 posted.

What you have to do is make sure your upper limit value (in red) in a range is always be the lower limit value (in blue) for the nest range set.


0 gram - 1000 gram (first range set)

(Next)--- 1000 gram - 2000 gram (2nd range set)

(Next)-------------------- 2000 gram - 3000 gram (3rd range set).. an so on.


in this case your weight range is max at 3rd range with upper limit value is the 3000 gram. Take note that this is your out-of-range value, which in the carrier option, you have to decide whether when weight is reaching 3000++ gram:

1) do you want to continue apply the charge from the 3rd range (max range)..

2) or disable the carrier (well.. to avoid risk of uncertainty costing if this can cut your profit, so you want to be safe, but you may lose potential sales for those large quantity.)


You might find that it is easy to set, but you really have to think and plan well the shipping charge control, especially, you have to understand enough the shipping charge matrix by your carrier.

Edited by mimpro (see edit history)
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