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Impossible to save weight carrier fees

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I created a new carrier with more than 10 weight ranges. When I go to set weight fees by carrier, I put all the different fees and save. However, when I go back to check on the fees again, only 2 fees are saved, the remaining weight range fees go back to $0.


Any idea how to solve this issue?



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First why did you post the same PDF three times,lol second try to just post jpeg images as the PDF;s had to be downloaded then viewed with Adobe.


The first issue is the weight ranges you are using are incorrect, you should not have gaps in the ranges while I do not feel this is the issue it is something else to be corrected.


Ranges should be set 0 -.04, .04 - .1, .1 -.2, and so on prestashop uses include/exclude for the ranges so the range is 0 is included up to but excluding .04, .04 is included up to but excluding .1 and so on.


With the way you have it now 0 -.039, .040 - .099, .1 - .199 has gaps in the ranges .39 to .40 is considered a gap.


Why not use the USPS carrier already provided and just set the weight of the products and get the shipping from USPS.

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Thanks a lot, tar170. My computer is very slow and it reloaded the page a couple of times. That's why, it shows the same attachments three times. As for the pdf files, macs create them automatically as a share option. But i'll keep your advice in mind for jpg files.


Going back to the topic, it works now as I edited the weight ranges to reflect include/exclude ranges. I also don't use usps module as we have multiple location warehouses in two continents, so shipping fees are different regarding where products are shipped from.


Problem solved. Thanks again!

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