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Grouping a few issues I could not solve searching the forums

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Hello there!


Well, I've been searching the forums about this, I have found some answers on one of the topics, but wanted to check a bit further on it. I have grouped them in this single thread because they are relatively "connected":


1. Advanced parameters > email:


I have some time ago, configured the email preferences to include my own smtp data, all worked fine, I could receive mails from prestashop BUT: yesterday a customer could not remember her password and therefore clicked on "forgotten password" link in the account log-in page. The mail with password reset won't work, displaying an error message in pur shop's page. I just had to switch to PHP and everything works fine.


My main point with this, is that I think I'm fine with that email configuration, but wanted to know if both customer and our data that might be includfed in mails is safe (encrypted messages?)


2. We've carried som tests with emails after this problem, and discovered that the messages sent by our store display at the footer a "powered by prestashop" after our store's name. Can that be removed? We already changed the index.php in SEO/URLs of the backoffice.


3. When a customer logs out of his account, an error occurs, and is redirected to a "page not found". I don't know where I can modify / fix that.

The address where a sign-out action lands: http://www.ledelireboutique.net/es/index.php?controller=


Well that's all for now.


Thanks in advance, as usual, for your invaluable help!

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