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Block sertain payments in sertain products

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Hi all

I have tried to search the forum, but I don't find the answer.

I would like to find a way to block the payment option "COD with fee" from sertain products. The reason is that if the package is to heavy I can not charge by COD with the shipping service I use. As long as it's possible to order products without seeing the product detalis, it's no good writing instructions in the text fields.

It could be as easy as adding tick boxes on the product detail page in admin - and if ticked the payment option will be deactivated for that product.

It's gonna be a lot of hassle if a customer adds more than one product to the cart. A way around that would be to deactivate all other buy buttons if this product is in the cart - or if there are other products in the card valid for COD deactivate the buy button on the resticted product (with an explanation on the mouse over tool tip). Did you understand that at all? :)

Very simply put: I want to be able to sell one product only with sertain payment option - and allow no other products in the same cart.

I will pay for a working module!

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