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[Solved] problems transfering prestashop to root folder of domain

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Hi all,

I've just about finished building my shop without too many problems, so far it has been in a subdirectory of my website and now that its done I want to move it to the root folder, but am having problems.

I downloaded all the files from the prestashop folder, and uploaded it to the htdocs folder. Then I went in the back-end, in the Preferences part and changed the PS directory to /htdocs/. This should work right?

When I go to the root url, it looks fine. When I click to go to any other page, it all goes wrong :( Please see the attachment or visit the website to see how it looks.

I have done what is advised in this thread, but it had no effect:


Can anyone tell me what I did wrong??

Thank you for any help


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Hi Duratex,

I am having the exact same problem your having..
can you please describe to me step by step on how you did it?
I've tried changing the PS directory thru the settings folder, changing via BO, still coming across the same prob/

At the moment: my link is http://www.wallsticker.com.au/prestashop_1.1/prestashop/new-products.php?n=50
however I want to change it to www.wallsticker.com.au/shop

Can you please tell me step by step how to do it?
I've spent alot of time on it, and unfortunately still no good.

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