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My header moved, how can I make it float in position.

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Hi there, first of all thanks for looking!


I had sorted out my site a while ago and everything that I had done was aligned perfectly. Now (after a very long break) I return to continue working on my site to find the header repeating and not aligned with the lower elements. It's floating too far left. I need the navigation and containing header image div to align with the slideshow. I've tried for a while to tweak it, but nothing is working as it used to. I've tried a margin, but of course it's relative to the resolution and moves, it also knocks the navigation and search too far along.


As it stands, the navigation and search box are in the right place. the 'laceys house bow image' is not.


Any Ideas?


Thank you again for reading and for any advice you can give, I truly appreciate it.


The site is http://laceys-house.com

Edited by FillyBoo (see edit history)
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#header {
background: url('http://laceys-house.com/storeimages/laceyhousebow.png') repeat-y scroll 0 top transparent;
height: 206px;
z-index: 2;
position: relative;


you've got backgorund definition with: 0 top


it means 0px left top


use "center top" instead "0 top"

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As easy as that, eh? Thank you very much! People like you never cease to amaze me. I've been doing this for years but I still feel like I'm a novice's apprentice.


It's not aligning with the rest perfectly as it used to, but I'll figure it out.


I don't understand how it happened since I hadn't changed anything, but that's the beauty of coding, right?.


Thank you again!

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