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[solved] slideshow configuration need help adjusting position..

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Hi folks,


was hoping to get some help fixing the position of the

slideshow banner, please view site. www.foliends.org


This way you can better understand the problem.


When i add the catagories to the main page the banner slideshow

if moved to the far right outside my layout..


The problem is i have no idea how to move the catagories

below the banner..


Please would really be cool if i could get some help..


Cheers Robert


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Do you want to show that product scroller option at right hand side of categories block am I right?


If yes then go to that scroller module in that products visible at frontend enter 3 over there. Then click on save.


Then go to modules then click on positions. Then move position of that scroller module to above .



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Hi, Sorry for the delayed response...

No, the I still have the issue I turned the banner off...(Slide Show)


Couldn't find the solution but have to admit I'm not a programmer..

Looks Like i have to make changes in the code just don't now where and how.


Still would be great to get help on this issue I can turn the banner on again ?


Cheers Robert

Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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hope this is the right one...



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just wondering could this be the problem ...

<div class="banner">{$DISPLAY_BANNERHOME}<!--<a href="#"><img src="{$img_dir}shop.png" alt="" width="175" height="41" border="0" /></a>-->

Edited by Robert Schmitt (see edit history)
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that's right, correct file :)


remove this:

{if $page_name == 'index'}
<div class="banner">{$DISPLAY_BANNERHOME}<!--<a href="#"><img src="{$img_dir}shop.png" alt="" width="175" height="41" border="0" /></a>-->


if you don't want to remove this code (maybe in the future you will want to use it again, use comments {* *}, exactly as i show below:

{if $page_name == 'index'}
<div class="banner">{$DISPLAY_BANNERHOME}<!--<a href="#"><img src="{$img_dir}shop.png" alt="" width="175" height="41" border="0" /></a>-->



this is not all, after that some css modifications will be necessary. i don't know what kind of modifications, so please change what i suggested above then i will be able to say something more about additional changes

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you're talking about MyPresta? if so: yes, this it's mine.


i checked your website, now you have to change css styles:


.bx-wrapper {
margin-bottom: 20px;
height: 300px;



.bx-wrapper {
margin-bottom: 20px;
height: 470px!important;


line 9 from the modules/homeslider/bx-styles.css


final effect:




ps. i've noticed that you've got CCC turned on (under preferences >performance tab) in this case you have to turn force compilation on (the sam tab in BO)


here more informations about force compile: http://mypresta.eu/en/art/basic-tutorials/how-to-turn-on-force-compilation-in-prestashop.html

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after each change make a hard rafresh (ctrl+f5) of your website


i checked it again, there is still the old code with height:

.bx-wrapper {
margin-bottom: 20px;
height: 300px;


please make sure that you changed it and turned force compilation on

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yes definitely, if you've got any other questions not related to this case - please open new threads in correct forum sections, I will be greatefull


regarding to the module: i don't know what you exactly expect. maybe some social nerwork integration?


I marked this thread as [solved] :)

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