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Cannot edit products (clean install 1.5.4)

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Hi all,


I did a clean install of prestashop and I am facing the problem that I cannot create or edit products in the back office.


When I am trying to create a new product, I will fill in the fields name, short description and description and click on save which will result in the error message "This friendly URL field is required at least in English (United States)"


When I am trying to edit existing products I cannot access any of the tabs (Price, Association, etc.) I will always be redirected to the Information tab (Catalog > Products > Edit)


My configuration:


- Clean install of

- Installed some themes and modules (e.g. multi seller module)


Since I am a prestashop noob I tried to investigate with the following steps which may or may not make sense:


- Tried uploading products via CSV: working fine but I cannot edit those anymore

- Changed persmission to all files to 777: no change

- Installed on two different servers: same behavior


Did anyone face a similar or the same issue?





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