iticleonel.len Posted July 5, 2013 Share Posted July 5, 2013 Hi i have the next code.. but i add a variable por each category parent, but when i ejecute the sql it don't work. can you help me. add to the variable $where the id of each category if is selected. if(isset($category1) && $category1!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category1; } if(isset($category2) && $category2!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category2; } if(isset($category3) && $category3!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category3; } if(isset($category4) && $category4!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category4; }if(isset($category5) && $category5!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category5; }if(isset($category6) && $category6!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category6; } if(isset($category7) && $category7!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category7; } And sql consult. $context = Context::getContext(); $sql1 = 'SELECT T.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT product_shop.*, p.`ean13`, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, image_shop.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, tl.`name` AS tax_name, t.`rate`, cl.`name` AS category_default, DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY)) > 0 AS new, (product_shop.`price` * IF(t.`rate`,((100 + (t.`rate`))/100),1)) AS orderprice FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product` '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa ON (p.`id_product` = pa.`id_product`) '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product_attribute', 'pa', false, 'product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1').' '.Product::sqlStock('p', 'product_attribute_shop', false, $context->shop).' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)'. Shop::addSqlAssociation('image', 'i', false, 'image_shop.cover=1').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (product_shop.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)$context->country->id.' AND tr.`id_state` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` t ON (t.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_lang` tl ON (t.`id_tax` = tl.`id_tax` AND tl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (product_shop.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = '.(int)$context->shop->id.' AND (pa.id_product_attribute IS NULL OR product_attribute_shop.id_shop='.(int)$context->shop->id.') AND (i.id_image IS NULL OR image_shop.id_shop='.(int)$context->shop->id.') AND product_shop.`active` = 1' .' AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")'.$where.') AS T WHERE T.`active` = 1 '.$where2.$sqlOrderBy.$limit; $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql1); this is the complete code. <?php include_once('../../config/'); include_once('../../init.php'); include_once('blockadvancedsearch.php'); if (!class_exists('BASClass', false)) { include _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'blockadvancedsearch' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blockadvancedsearch.class.php'; } if (!class_exists('MPClass', false)) { include _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'megaproduct' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'megaproduct.class.php'; } function array_flatten($array,$field) { if (!is_array($array)) { return FALSE; } $result = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { array_push($result, $value[$field]); } return implode(",", $result); } if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'getCategoryValues') { $id_category = Tools::getValue('categoryId'); $bas = bascategories::getArrayByCategory($id_category); $arraySend = array(); $arraySend['attributes'] = $bas->attributes; $arraySend['features'] = $bas->features; $arraySend['tags'] = $bas->tags; $arraySend['suppliers'] = $bas->suppliers; $arraySend['manufacturers'] = $bas->manufacturers; //$value = $.parseJSON(json_encode(json_encode($aCoders))); echo json_encode($arraySend); return; } $blockadvancedsearch = new BlockAdvancedSearch(); $html = ''; $category1 = Tools::getValue('category1'); $category2 = Tools::getValue('category2'); $category3 = Tools::getValue('category3'); $category4 = Tools::getValue('category4'); $category5 = Tools::getValue('category5'); $category6 = Tools::getValue('category6'); $category7 = Tools::getValue('category7'); $manufacturer = Tools::getValue('manufacturer'); $supplier = Tools::getValue('supplier'); $filtertext = Tools::getValue('filtertext'); $tag = Tools::getValue('tag'); $minprice = Tools::getValue('minprice'); $maxprice = Tools::getValue('maxprice'); $page = intval(Tools::getValue('page')); $attributes = Tools::getValue('attributes'); $features = Tools::getValue('features'); $orderby = Tools::getValue('orderby'); $where = ''; $where2 = ''; $sqlOrderBy = ''; $counter = (int)Tools::getValue('counter'); if(isset($orderby) && $orderby!='') { if($orderby=="price:asc") { $sqlOrderBy .= ' ORDER BY T.`orderprice` ASC '; } else if(($orderby=="price:desc")) { $sqlOrderBy .= ' ORDER BY T.`orderprice` DESC '; } } if(isset($manufacturer) && $manufacturer!=0) { $where.= ' AND p.`id_manufacturer`='.(int)$manufacturer; } if(isset($supplier) && $supplier!=0) { $where.= ' AND p.`id_supplier`='.(int)$supplier; } if(isset($filtertext) && $filtertext!='') { $where.= ' AND pl.`name` LIKE \'%'.$filtertext.'%\''; } if(isset($minprice) && $minprice!='') { $where2.= ' AND T.`orderprice`>='.(int)$minprice; } if(isset($maxprice) && $maxprice!='') { $where2.= ' AND T.`orderprice`<='.(int)$maxprice; } if(isset($tag) && $tag!='') { $where.= ' AND pt.`id_tag`='.$tag; } $numproductshow = intval(Configuration::get('BAS_NUMPRODUCTSHOW')); $limitup = $numproductshow; $limit = ''; if(isset($numproductshow) && $numproductshow!=0) { $limit.= ' LIMIT '.$page*$numproductshow.','.$limitup; } $id_lang = (int)(Context::getContext()->cookie->id_lang); $products = null; $result = null; //START if(isset($category1) && $category1!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category1; } if(isset($category2) && $category2!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category2; } if(isset($category3) && $category3!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category3; } if(isset($category4) && $category4!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category4; }if(isset($category5) && $category5!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category5; }if(isset($category6) && $category6!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category6; } if(isset($category7) && $category7!=0) { $where.= ' AND cp.`id_category`='.(int)$category7; } if(isset($attributes) && $attributes!='') { $arrayAttributes = explode("_", $attributes); $sql = 'SELECT fp.`id_product_attribute`, count(id_attribute) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_combination` fp WHERE 1=1 AND id_attribute IN ('.str_replace('_',',',$attributes).') GROUP BY fp.`id_product_attribute` HAVING COUNT(id_attribute) = '.sizeof($arrayAttributes); $combinations = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql); if(isset($combinations) && sizeof($combinations)) { $combinationsid = array_flatten($combinations,'id_product_attribute'); $products = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT DISTINCT pa.`id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa WHERE pa.`id_product_attribute` IN ('.$combinationsid.')'); $where.= ' AND p.`id_product` IN ('.array_flatten($products,'id_product').') '; } else { $where.= ' AND p.`id_product` IN () '; } } if(isset($features) && $features!='') { $arrayFeatures = explode("_", $features); $sql = 'SELECT fp.`id_product`, count(id_feature_value) FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'feature_product` fp WHERE id_feature_value IN ('.str_replace('_',',',$features).') GROUP BY fp.`id_product` HAVING COUNT(id_feature_value) = '.sizeof($arrayFeatures); $products = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql); if(isset($products) && sizeof($products)) { $productsid = array_flatten($products,'id_product'); $where.= ' AND p.`id_product` IN ('.$productsid.') '; } else { $where.= ' AND p.`id_product` IN () '; } } $days = (int)Tools::getValue('days'); if(isset($days)) { $day = Tools::getValue('day'); $month = Tools::getValue('month'); $year = Tools::getValue('year'); $date_string = $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day; $date_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_string)); $id_timeslot = (int)Tools::getValue('id_timeslot'); if($days==1) { $date_end = $date_start; } else { $date_end = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date_start ."+".$days." days")); } $megaproducts = MPClass::getAllMegaProducts(); $mpdays = megaproductdays::getDaysByDates($date_start,$date_end); $arrayMPIds = array(); foreach($megaproducts as $mp) { $id_product = $mp['id_product']; $arrayMPIds[$id_product]=$id_product; } $mpc = new megaproductcart(); $mpc->id_product = $id_product; $mpc->date_start = $date_start; $mpc->days = $days; $mpc->id_timeslot = $id_timeslot; foreach($megaproducts as $mp) { $id_product = $mp['id_product']; $addmp = true; $mpc->id_product = $id_product; $mpc->config = $mp['config']; if($mpdays) { foreach($mpdays as $days) { if($days['id_product']==$mp['id_product']) { if($days['type']==1) { //unset($arrayMPIds[$id_product]); //$addmp = false; //break; for($i=0;$i<$days;$i++) { $timestamp = strtotime($date_start ."+".$i." days"); if($timestamp >= strtotime($days['date_start']) && $timestamp < strtotime($days['date_end'])) { unset($arrayMPIds[$id_product]); $addmp = false; break; } } } elseif($days['type']==2) { if($days<$days['value']) { unset($arrayMPIds[$id_product]); $addmp = false; break; } } } } } $service_number = 1; if(isset($mp['config']['service_number'])) { $service_number= (int)$mp['config']['service_number']; } if($addmp && $service_number>0) { $freenumbers = $mpc->getFreeNumbers(); if(sizeof($freenumbers)>0) { $addmp = true; } else { unset($arrayMPIds[$id_product]); $addmp = false; } } if($id_timeslot!=0 && $addmp) { $tls= megaproductslotproduct::getTimeSlotByProduct($id_product,$id_timeslot); if($tls && sizeof($tls)>0) { $returnerror = false; foreach($tls as $ts) { $arrayDays = explode('-',$ts['days']); //for($j=0;$j<$days;$j++) //{ $j =0; $timestamp = strtotime($date_start ."+".$j." days"); $numberday = getDate($timestamp); if(in_array($numberday['wday'],$arrayDays)) { $returnerror = true; } //} } if(!$returnerror) { unset($arrayMPIds[$id_product]); $addmp = false; } } } // if($addmp) // $arrayMPIds[$id_product]=$id_product; } if(isset($arrayMPIds) && sizeof($arrayMPIds)) { $productsid = implode(',',$arrayMPIds); $where.= ' AND p.`id_product` IN ('.$productsid.') '; } else { $where.= ' AND p.`id_product` IN () '; } } if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'getProducts') { if(_PS_VERSION_<'1.5') { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT T.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT p.*, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`name`, tax.`rate`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` manufacturer_name, 1 position, DATEDIFF(p.`date_add`, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY)) > 0 new, (p.`price` * IF(tax.`rate`,((100 + (tax.`rate`))/100),1)) AS orderprice FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (p.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)Country::getDefaultCountryId().' AND tr.`id_state` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` tax ON (tax.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON (m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (p.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tag` t ON (pt.`id_tag` = t.`id_tag` AND t.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`) WHERE p.`active` = 1 '.$where.') AS T WHERE T.`active` = 1 '.$where2.$sqlOrderBy.$limit); } elseif(_PS_VERSION_<'1.6') { $context = Context::getContext(); $sql1 = 'SELECT T.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT product_shop.*, p.`ean13`, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, product_attribute_shop.`id_product_attribute`, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, image_shop.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, tl.`name` AS tax_name, t.`rate`, cl.`name` AS category_default, DATEDIFF(product_shop.`date_add`, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY)) > 0 AS new, (product_shop.`price` * IF(t.`rate`,((100 + (t.`rate`))/100),1)) AS orderprice FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product` '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa ON (p.`id_product` = pa.`id_product`) '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product_attribute', 'pa', false, 'product_attribute_shop.`default_on` = 1').' '.Product::sqlStock('p', 'product_attribute_shop', false, $context->shop).' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_lang` cl ON (product_shop.`id_category_default` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('cl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product`)'. Shop::addSqlAssociation('image', 'i', false, 'image_shop.cover=1').' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (image_shop.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (product_shop.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)$context->country->id.' AND tr.`id_state` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` t ON (t.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_lang` tl ON (t.`id_tax` = tl.`id_tax` AND tl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (product_shop.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) WHERE product_shop.`id_shop` = '.(int)$context->shop->id.' AND (pa.id_product_attribute IS NULL OR product_attribute_shop.id_shop='.(int)$context->shop->id.') AND (i.id_image IS NULL OR image_shop.id_shop='.(int)$context->shop->id.') AND product_shop.`active` = 1' .' AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")'.$where.') AS T WHERE T.`active` = 1 '.$where2.$sqlOrderBy.$limit; $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql1); } if ($counter==0) { $sql = ' SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T.`id_product`) nb FROM (SELECT p.`id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (p.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)Country::getDefaultCountryId().' AND tr.`id_state` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` tax ON (tax.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON (m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (p.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tag` t ON (pt.`id_tag` = t.`id_tag` AND t.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`) WHERE p.`active` = 1 '.$where.') AS T WHERE 1=1 '.$where2; //HERE $resultCount = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow($sql); $counter = isset($resultCount['nb']) ? $resultCount['nb'] : 0; } $products = Product::getProductsProperties($id_lang, $result); $smarty = Context::getContext()->smarty; if(sizeof($products)) { $smarty->assign('products', $products); $pagenext = $page+1; /* if(isset($category) && $category!=0) { $smarty->assign('path', Tools::getPath((int)($category))); $html .= $smarty->display(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'breadcrumb.tpl'); }*/ $html .= $smarty->display(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'product-list.tpl'); // Add Pagination $html .= '<div class="pagination" id="pagination"> <ul class="pagination">'; $disabledprev =""; $disablednext =""; $pageprevious = $page-1; $pagenext = $page+1; $totalpage = 1; if($numproductshow!=0) $totalpage = ceil($counter/$numproductshow); if($page!=0) { $html.='<li onclick="loadAdvancedSearch(true,'.$pageprevious.','.$counter.')" id="pagination_previous"><span>'.$blockadvancedsearch->getL('Previous').'</span></li>'; } else { $html.='<li class="disabled" id="pagination_previous"><span>'.$blockadvancedsearch->getL('Previous').'</span></li>'; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $totalpage-1; $i++) { $x = $i+1; if($i==$page) { $html .= '<li class="current"><span>'.$x.'</span></li>'; } else { $html .= '<li onclick="loadAdvancedSearch(true,'.$i.','.$counter.')"><span>'.$x.'</span></li>'; } } if($counter > $numproductshow*$pagenext) { $html.= '<li onclick="loadAdvancedSearch(true,'.$pagenext.','.$counter.')" id="pagination_next"><span>'.$blockadvancedsearch->getL('Next').'</span></a></li>'; } else { $html.= '<li class="disabled" id="pagination_next"><span>'.$blockadvancedsearch->getL('Next').'</span></a></li>'; } $html.= '</ul></div>'; } } else if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'getComboProducts') { $sql = 'SELECT T.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT p.*, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`name`, tax.`rate`, i.`id_image`, il.`legend`, m.`name` manufacturer_name, 1 position, DATEDIFF(p.`date_add`, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.(Validate::isUnsignedInt(Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT')) ? Configuration::get('PS_NB_DAYS_NEW_PRODUCT') : 20).' DAY)) > 0 new, (p.`price` * IF(tax.`rate`,((100 + (tax.`rate`))/100),1)) AS orderprice FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND i.`cover` = 1) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image_lang` il ON (i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (p.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = '.(int)Country::getDefaultCountryId().' AND tr.`id_state` = 0) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` tax ON (tax.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'manufacturer` m ON (m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` pt ON (p.`id_product` = pt.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tag` t ON (pt.`id_tag` = t.`id_tag` AND t.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = cp.`id_category`) WHERE p.`active` = 1 '.$where.') AS T WHERE T.`active` = 1 '.$where2.$sqlOrderBy; $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS($sql); $products = Product::getProductsProperties($id_lang, $result); if(sizeof($products)) { foreach($products as $prod) { $html .= '<option value="'.$prod['link'].'">'.$prod['name'].'</option>'; } } } else if (Tools::getValue('action') == 'getSubCategories') { $subcategory = Tools::getValue('subcategory'); $category = new Category($subcategory); $categories = $category->getSubCategories($id_lang,true); if(sizeof($categories)) { $html .= '<option value="0">'.$blockadvancedsearch->getL('Select').'</option>'; foreach($categories as $cat) { $html .= '<option value="'.$cat['id_category'].'">'.$cat['name'].'</option>'; } } } else { $html .= ''; } echo $html; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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