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viewedproducts block Image resize in PS

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Hi guys,


I've been searching for the last hours for this solution and cant seem to find it, i've lost already several hours on this actually...


I've been trying to resize pictures and text in Block Viewed Products on all pages, and i've searched thru the CSS files .tpl .php and .js and i still cant find the variable that defines the image size.



My Prestashop: V1.514.1

My Theme: LeoShoe

My web: www.mandabocas.com


Any help is appreciated from you, gurus!


Thanks in advance

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you'll probably need to go into /theme/yourtheme/modules/blockviewedproducts/blockviewedproducts.tpl

Here look for the <img> tag which defines source of the image.

From my shop the tag looks like this

<img src="{if isset($viewedProduct->id_image) && $viewedProduct->id_image}{$link->getImageLink($viewedProduct->link_rewrite, $viewedProduct->cover, 'medium_default')}{else}{$img_prod_dir}{$lang_iso}-default-medium_default.jpg{/if}" alt="{$viewedProduct->legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" />


now, if you want to change the size of the image, you have to change the medium_default to the name of another image type (You can see those names in BackOffice, Preferences - Images.)

This should probably solve your problem.

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Thanks PSFever, i have tried that also, it works but the image is not resized by that method, only streched and it gets defocused . any other method? perhaps directly on the .js file in order to keep the quality..


thank you

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