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Adding links to Order Messages templatefiles

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I want to send some followup emails to customers a couple of weeks after a purchase has been completed in my store - and I want to add some links in this email - to eg. our facebookpage and a picture gallery on our page where customers can upload pictures of themselves and the product..


I have found solution to be able to add link in an earlier post, but I can find my template file so I can actually add the links in my existing order message email-templates??


Anyone know where to find these?

And when I find these - how do I actually add link in code - what do I write? (I have little knowledge of html etc codes)


Thanks a lot for all and any help..

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you'll need to find the email template - I don't know which one you're talking about here, could you specify it for us ? (Just give us p.e. the subject of the email). Once you got that right, go to your FTP and open the email template you want to.

For adding for example a link to your Facebook page, you'll need the <a> tag.

You could write something like this.

Join the great community of our customers on our <a href="www.facebook.com/nameofyourpage">Facebook Page</a>

What this code does - it will display Facebook Page as a link leading to your Facebook page.

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Hi PSfever


Thanks a lot for your answer.

I have made 2 standard order messages emails that I want to send - one named: Provpaket uppföljning.

But my problem is that I have no clue as where to locate this in my folder - I have been searching all folders of my installation - I still have the default "Delay" template as well but no luck finding that either (Assume they are in the same location)


Any ideas?


Thanks again

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Hi PSfever


No, order_conf is the order confirmation that is sent whenever an order is placed..

I need the mails that I send out to customers by my choosing..


See attached picture for where to find how to send them..



You get what i mean?


Thanks again

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Hi PSfever


No, order_conf is the order confirmation that is sent whenever an order is placed..

I need the mails that I send out to customers by my choosing..


See attached picture for where to find how to send them..



You get what i mean?


Thanks again

That's an order message. To my knowledge (I can't look that up right now in the core source) no email template is attached to Order Messages and messages send are plain text.

A better solution would be to create a new HTML email template and save it in /mails/[iSOOFYOURCOUNTRY/[TEMPLATENAME].tpl and for text save it without HTML markup in /mails/[iSOOFYOURCOUNTRY]/[TEMPLATENAME].txt

After creating the templates you can attach the template to an order status like 'Delivered' or a status that you create yourself.

Changing the order to that status will automatically send the email to your customer.

Edited by scorpionsworld (see edit history)
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that's right, create new status in your store, create also an email for this, then after some time - just change the status in your back office - then your customers will receive email that you created


you can create as many statuses as you want, it's a nice way to achieve what you want (without any external module / core modification)

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