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Duplicate items on my website

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I have today installed 1.4.11 and the upgrade seems to work okay so far.


One issue is that modules shown on the left column of my pages, cart, search etc are duplicated further down the page.


I have unhooked and re hooked but they come back as a duplicate.


Any ideas how to get rid of the 2nd ones please.





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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for the long delay . Been away from office for week.

I have checked the above with no luck. Something that struck me is that I have been running this theme okay for 18 months on and this problem only started when I upgrade to 1.4.11.


So is is not in the theme but somewhere in the main program?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Vekia


I have used this template for 18 months approx and this double issue only started after I upgraded to 1,4,11. I think it is a 2 column template.

But it is causing a duplicate of the same information in the left coloumn. I have searched for hours in the files but baffled as to why it is duplicating.


What would happen to my store if I upgraded it to 1.5.? Business is good so cannot afford to lose it.





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all of the "updates" changes etc. you should do in the test environment. Or locally, on localhost.

Then you will not lose your store and it will be online.


btw. can you show the contents of header.tpl file? I will check it with pleasure

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Vekia


Here is my header TPL file. Pls can you take a look.



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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you.


Here it is Vekia


* 2007-2010 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
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        {if !$content_only}

<!-- Right Index sur 1 colonne -->

{if $page_name != index}
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<div id="left_column" class="voucher">
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