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Attribute -> Value combinations create practicle problems

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Let me explain my problem with a sample.

Suppose I have a specific T-shirt available in multiple different colors & sizes:

3 shades of red, called Cayenne, Cherry & Strawberry

All available in 5 sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL


Basic setup is easy enough:

Colors and Sizes are my attributes and the values are as mentioned above.

Together they offer all the product combinations for that T-shirt.

So now a visitor can choose a T-shirt in color Cayenne & size XL for instance.


But what about filtering products in my shops product list, based on colors?

There are all kind of filters available that allow me to filter for instance on color, BUT.... all those filters use the actual color value (name).


With about 160 products in many different shades of the nearest base colors, my list of actual color values has already grown to nearly 800 so far. So offering a color filter based on actual color values (or color names) is no option.


I do have a list that describes all fancy color names and specifies the nearest base color for it:

Cayenne -> Red

Cherry -> Red

Marine -> Blue

Sky -> Blue



Now I want a filter in my shop which is able to show all products available in red. So not only Cayenne or Cherry, but all shades of red as specified in the 'translation' table.


Is there any way to get this done in PS itself that I have overlooked?

Or if not, what module would I need and how would I have to go about to get it working?




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