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Payment of postage according to the choice of payment

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please help me, I must set shipping fees depending on selected payment.

If customer select bank wire payment is xx price on shipping, if is choosen payment at delivery in yy price for shipping.

Where and how to do that in PS 1.5.2? Please help...

Thank you in advance,


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There is no easy way to pick a payment method BEFORE shipping with prestashop. And from a users point of view it would cost you a load of customers a high percentage of cart amendments are down to the shipping costs not being explained up front!


WHY, do you need to adjust the cost of shipping based on what payment method is selected?

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I must because postal cost are 60% higher if customer pay on delivery. In Slovenia are postal costs enormous, and products that I am selling are price range 5-30 eur, so I can not put postal costs in to the price. I will explain in front about payment and shipping.

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