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check out www.shoptwm.com

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  On 7/3/2013 at 8:34 PM, bilalhussain said:

Hello Everyone,


please check out my shop www.shoptwm.com. I am using latest version of PS. I would like your comment and suggestion on how the website look and what can I do to improve it.



Bilal Hussain


A good start. You may want to consider a custom theme at some point. The featured products on the front page, the titles are partially hidden by the short description


The main problem I can see is that you only seem to be able to collect the product from you. Do you not ship? If it were me, I would not buy a product on-line to then have to go and pick it up - may as well just turn up and do the deal in person

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Hi, the search for the tire is really nice. I have no idea how you did it, but if it's a module standard would love to get info where you picked. I tell you a couple of things I personally don't like:

- I think the red logo doesn't integrate too well with the standard grey theme (I would put some red in the theme)

- I don't like the categories under menu. I would just put them on the horizontal menu

- web mail bring you to your hosting provider login mail...

- you left the advertisement with the link at prestashop (the laptop on the left column)

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