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Hi friends! i want to display particular category items in my sidebar for the prestashop site.Like this way if i click particular product menu it only display that particular category and subcategory items like




sub category 1


sub category 2


link is http://techgurutoday...roller=category


Here if i click product->Apparel.i want to dispaly apparel subcategory items only in side bar.i dont want to display other items like drinkware etc.


here we have no dashboard option for sort the catregories.may i know how can i edit the codings?

Edited by prabu88 (see edit history)
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To achieve this you need to edit the blockcaetgory module and need to filter . But in that case other subcategory on that blockcategory will not show for category page and all place on the left site. People need to navigate category from top.


Here is a sample code i test , which will guilde you how to do. edit blockcategories from your theme or module


and open blockcategories.tpl and change like bellow

 {foreach from=$blockCategTree.children item=child name=blockCategTree}
	  {if $smarty.get.id_category == $child.id}
  {if $smarty.foreach.blockCategTree.last}
   {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child last='true'}
   {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child}

Inform me your problem is solved.

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