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Category description split into two columns

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I have a problem with the category description. I would like a left column and a right column to be added into the class "content_scene_cat". I would like the category description to be in the left column and the category image to be in the right column. Right now they are on top of each other. How do i do this?


This is one of my category pages: armbånd til kvinder



Thanks in advance! :-)

Edited by OliverEggertsen (see edit history)
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You need to add a clearfix css on this block of your product.tpl of your install theme.

<div class="content_scene_cat clearfix">
   <!-- Category image -->
    <div class="align_center" >
 <img src="http://olivereggertsen.dk/c/8-category_default/armbaand-til-kvinder.jpg" alt="Armbånd" title="Armbånd" id="categoryImage" width="" height="">

   <div class="cat_desc" >
	 <p>Oliver Eggertsen Jewelry tilbyder flotte og smukke armbånd i stilfulde designs til kvinder.</p>


And than modified the css like this and it will solve the issue.

.content_scene_cat  .align_center {    float: left;
   width: 750px; }
.cat_desc {
width:200px; float:left;

Which may be locate on your theme's folder themes/test/css/category.css


Hope this solve. If solve change the title as [solved]

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