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Display all product thumbnails all the time

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I have been unsuccessfully trying to solve a problem on www.loulou.ro. So, here I am asking the Prestashop community for help.


Problem description: on the product page, the 60px by 60px thumbnails do NOT display all the time. Meaning that sometimes there is a "Display all thumbnails" link instead of the thumbnails themselves.


Is there a way to make sure that all product thumbnails are displayed all the time (an that link is NEVER displayed).


Prestashop version is


Thank you!

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  On 7/3/2013 at 7:42 AM, vekia said:

i checked it, there are 3 thumbnails, i see them

there is no button "display all thumbs"


The 3 thumbnails appear most of the time, but NOT ALL the time. Some times, in some products, there is a Display all thumbs link.


I want this link NEVER to appear.

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