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website url swop and can we re build it.

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Morning all


I have a website using I seem to have continuous niggles with the Paypal checkout and some of the modules in the newer versions would be good to have.


I would like to upgrade but am nervous to do that as business is okay and I do not want to rock the boat by losing my site.


So I wondered if I could built the site using the latest version, transfer all the products, customers etc over to the new version and change the url domain name from the old site to the new one.


1. Is this a long winded way to do it?

2. Is this possible?

3. Is there a quicker way to do it or could somebody do it for me?


Look forward to your thoughts


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That's a good way to go in my opinion. However, If you can do it I would rather choose a local option (like using wamp or mamp) so that you can then upload your files once you know everything has been upgraded correctly.

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