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Solved: Remove "Our Stores" Module

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I've found threads about how to remove the "Our Stores" link from the CMS Information Block, as well as threads about how to remove the "Our Stores" link from the Footer (by the way, it's very frustrating and poor design that those links are controlled from completely different places).


But I haven't been able to figure out how to remove the Our Stores BLOCK, the one with that picture of some random building.


By the way, there needs to be a download option / shortcut for a "no bullshit" Prestashop. I've lost count of how many pointless modules I've had to remove.

Edited by jleesaxon (see edit history)
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I uninstalled and reinstalled Prestashop and now I am able to see and uninstall the offending "Store locator block." Bizarre.


I'd like to reiterate my complaint, though, that "our stores" has to be turned on/off in THREE separate places. Very confusing/frustrating.

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