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userblockinfo.tpl - issue

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first, the good news:

the languages for the 3 items "Log in", "Register" and whitelist are fine when I'm switching beetween my 3 languages on my site.


Now comes the but.... I want to get rid of that "Default welcome msg!" which proceeds the 3 items or edit it. Where can I find this "Default welcome msg!" and change it?


Gratefull for any hints



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I would check /themes/yourtheme/modules/blockuserinfo/blockuserinfo.tpl for the welcome message. I believe it is line ~56.


{l s='Welcome' mod='blockuserinfo'}


Or something similar. Try that.





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Hi Eggo,


thanks, I already checked the tpl, but I think this is only the variable pointing somewhere to a source. I want to edit the source to get rid of that "Default welcome msg!" text line.




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Can't you just comment out the line if you just want to get rid of it? If you want to edit it though vekia's method is the way to go!





Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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