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Blank pages and 404 errors

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I was asked to update and redesign some information for a clients pretashop website. I made a backup of the database and copied all the prestashop files to anther directory on the same hosting account. Ever since I copied all the files to a subdirectory the website has been behaving wierdly.


1: all the products urls and catagory's create 404 errors

2: the images in the slider have been reset

3: Upon creating or editing a prodct whenever tyring to preview it gives a blank screen

4:when changing seo friendly urls (preferences > seo & urls to Friendly URL its creates a blank page upon saving.

5:The homepage goes blank when i do steps 3 or 4 I have to disable cache then turn it on again to get it working again.


The website url is: www.its-smoke.com

I'm running the latest prestashop version (1.5.4) with th default theme.

Edited by 2020media (see edit history)
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you;ve got really weird looking links to the products


this is official installation of prestashop? I mean that you installed presta from official library, or maybe with some pre installers like softaculous etc. ?

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