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Please help with advice

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Hello people,


I did a fresh install of the latest version of the prestashop with demo products.

Each time I'm in my admin, i'm not allowed to access to the category tab. I have this error " the page is not redirect correctly ".

I can half fix my issue when i active the cayegories tab by chanching ps_shop from 2 to 1 directly in MySQL. Then I can access to the category list, but i can't add any new category or a new root.


What to do? How to fix it?


Thank you in advance.


With all respect.



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@galinazukovski Make sure that you use official prestashop installation library. I've noticed that sometimes merchants trying to install prestashop with auto-installers like softaculous - and after that they have got several issues in back office. in my opinion, it's better to install shop manually.

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Dear people,


I downloaded the official package from prestashop.com. It was two days ago and uploaded unzipped package via Filezilla. I indergo the installation wizard and I did nothing more. I have seen that I could not open any categories after default installation. What I did then, I removed all the maps from server and uploadede again. from MySQL I have dropped down all the tables and I went the wizard once more. Some steps from wizard were all filled in but the SQL tables were created again. I had the same result with impossibility to open the categories tab. Then from the forum I gained the information the about changing id-cat from 2 to 1 in ps_shop. I did it but then I discoveren that the categoris tab is available but that it is impossible to create any new root or category. I remain staying at the same page if I click at the button New (to create a category or root).


I will now try to instal the package once more. With first download from prestashop.com I've chozen English + Dutch, maybe that it the reason. I want to try to install only English and I hope it will give no error.


With all respect,






I installed only English version and got the same result:



Edited by galinazukovski (see edit history)
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