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[Solved] Shipping problems

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Hi everyone

I have found prestashop very easy to use so far, but I am having problems with the shipping calculator. I am using price ranges instead of weight ranges, as it will be impossible for me to weigh all the items in my shop. My suppliers use 3 different carriers based on the size of the order, so I have created 3 approximated price ranges for each carrier. Each carrier charges a fixed fee. I set the zones and the price for each method to each zone, and it looks to me to be in order.

The problem is when I add an item to the cart in the front end of the site, the shipping is not calculated according the the price ranges I have created. The shipping is always shown as the fee for the default carrier listed in the 'Carrier Options' in the Carrier tab. Perhaps I am missing something, but what is the point in creating price or ranges if the carrier can only the one set as the default carrier? In my case, the carrier to be used will depend on how much the customer spends.

Thank you for any replies!

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