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[solved] problem with free shipping at block cart when hovering mouse

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I wasn't able to find a solution to similar topics so I started a new one. When a customer adds a product at his cart, He is able to see summary details of his cart when he hovers the mouse above the block. By default this block displays as suggested choice of shipping the cheapest one from my carriers. (for example it constantly displays "free shipping" because of the shop pickup). Is there any way to display there, only one carrier from my 4. for example the one with id 3, even if is not the cheapest method? What file do I need to edit? I'm using prestashop if it matters with default theme.


thanks in advance,

best regards

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  • 4 months later...

This didn't help in my case. I have set another carrier as default and the price is still showing.


I have solved it temporarily by setting a term in translation of this module but still it would be much better to not show the price at all.

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I found the solution and I just want to ask if it is done without any harm to the rest of the code:


in shop/themes/default/modules/blockcart i have deleted following lines

<span id="cart_block_shipping_cost" class="price ajax_cart_shipping_cost">{$shipping_cost}</span>
<span>{l s='Shipping' mod='blockcart'}</span>

In my case there are no problems visible and the shipping price does not show in the default upper right cart summary

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am not an expert in any of this whatsoever, but I cam across this thread because I wanted to do exactly what you want to do.

That code change will work (I tried it) The only thing is that once the customer logs in, the shipping will be added to the cart block total, but the shipping line won't display, which could be confusing for the customer.

In another thread, someone suggested commenting out those two lines but also said:


Next you will need to edit the following line (same file)

<span id="cart_block_total" class="price ajax_block_cart_total">{$total}</span>

Change this to

<span id="cart_block_total" class="price ajax_block_cart_total">{$product.total}</span>


That kept the shipping for being added in, however, it caused different problems (for me at least) The cart block toal displays as the value of the last item added to the cart if I click on any link after adding more than one item to the shopping cart


This is the thread:



Perhaps I will try the translation solution - someone else had suggested that also

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  • 1 month later...


I am not an expert in any of this whatsoever, but I cam across this thread because I wanted to do exactly what you want to do.

That code change will work (I tried it) The only thing is that once the customer logs in, the shipping will be added to the cart block total, but the shipping line won't display, which could be confusing for the customer.

In another thread, someone suggested commenting out those two lines but also said:


Next you will need to edit the following line (same file)

<span id="cart_block_total" class="price ajax_block_cart_total">{$total}</span>

Change this to

<span id="cart_block_total" class="price ajax_block_cart_total">{$product.total}</span>


That kept the shipping for being added in, however, it caused different problems (for me at least) The cart block toal displays as the value of the last item added to the cart if I click on any link after adding more than one item to the shopping cart



This is the thread:



Perhaps I will try the translation solution - someone else had suggested that also


apparently it got something to do with the ajax cart being turned on..

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