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Redirecting from www to URL without www but on all pages not only home page.

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Hi to all,


This is rather small issue but I would like to see if I can resolve it easily...


Thing is my webshop URL is: dekom.co.rs


So I don't use www prefix.


When I type www.dekom.co.rs into my browser it redirects me to dekom.co.rs which is all good.

If I browser in the other hand, to some product page or CMS page whatever, and manually add www. prefix, hit enter, I will got 404 page instead of redirecting.


Example page:



Can this be fixed somehow so all pages redirect to their exact copies just without www.?


Thank you


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You can realize this by two ways. In .htaccess or directly on the DNS-Panel of your Domain.


DNS - Please ask your domain administrator


.htaccess -


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.yourdomain.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://yourdomain.com$1 [R=301]

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