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Customizing the Prestashop Admin

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Hi all,


we're just about to make a final decision on an ecommerce system for our art and culture foundation.


We have a couple of questions which, we're not necessarily looking for a howto, but are technical questions and we could do with finding out about before we make our first steps.


Firstly, our users who will be adding products need a very simple interface and don't need all the features Prestashop offers out of the box. We have looked at other ecommerce packages but there doesn't seem to be a way to easily take out certain 'fields' from the admin interface, such as tax and stock control form items which aren't needed by our catalogue admins. Is it easy enough to take these kind of form fields out of Prestashop or is the core system going to complain that information is missingfor example?


Secondly, as we're providing to an international audience we need to provide the product information and terms-conditions information etc. pages in various languages and we're wondering how easy it is to add the translations to each product or page, and does Prestashop offer the sort of system with flag language selectors at the top of each page out of the box?


These are two pretty crucial requirements and I can't seem to find the information in the forums or the documentation.


Thank you for any guidance, and advice about plugins is also much appreciated if out-of-the-box doesn't support what we're looking for.

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Hello Zilog,

Welcome to the forum.

Not sure if you read the online official user guide already, but that's a good place to start when having general questions about the product:



To answer your questions:


1 You can disable stock management. Maybe not all tabs with it will disappear, but it will tell that stockmanagement is turned off, so that it's not possible/needed to add any quantity etc.

http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Understanding+The+Preferences#UnderstandingThePreferences-Products (Scroll down a little for Products stock preferences image)



2) Tax calculation can be turned off.





3) Languages: You can edit/add languages as desired. Editing the Language specific names/descriptions etc can easily be done by clicking on the flag next to the input fields. See here for an example:



Hope this was helpful.


Good luck with your choice,


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