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[Solved] Medium images in recently viewed module

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I have recently upgraded to V1.5 and have recreated our theme starting with the new default theme.


I am noticing one problem, in the recently viewed block, SOMETIMES the (medium) image shown is the default (missing image) picture. It works about half the time and not the other half. I CAN see the medium sized images always when I actually click on the product and it is displaying them under the main image.


Which leans me towards thinking the issue is on the module side seeing as the images clearly exist and work elsewhere.


I've tried regenerating the thumbnails a bunch of times without any change. Any ideas?

Edited by ltay13 (see edit history)
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check the module .php file


Well I could not resist and narrowed this down to one single line.

Changing line 108 from this:

LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREFIX.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product)'.

To this:

LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREFIX.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product AND i.cover = 1)'.


Fixes the image issue.

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