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Changing image names for better SEO results

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In order to get better search results with Google Images, it would be great if the names of images could be changed.
The default is something like 10-50-large.jpg, which doesn't say anything to google. I'd like to have productname.jpg instead.

I have a blog where I can name the images as I want, and I was surprised to find that the No.1. referrer to my blog is Google Images searches.

Is there a solution for this?

I was thinking at least changing "large" in image settings to "t-shirt", if I'm right then all image names would be regenerated to something like 10-50-t-shirt.jpg, but I'd need more specific filenames, like pug-t-shirt.jpg and so on.

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Sorry rocco, other than minor changes such as the one you're suggesting there isn't an "easy" way. I wouldn't advise messing with the Link class as it could do more damage elsewhere, out-weighing any benefit.

Are there specific issues regarding the upgrade that you fear? :-)


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